Message2u Header Logo Auto Reply A.I Chatbot Message2u auto reply A.I Chatbot Assistant


Updated on April 29, 2024

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In today’s fast-paced business environment, providing excellent customer service is the goal of every enterprise. With the increasing prevalence of social media, Facebook and Instagram have become important channels for businesses to communicate with customers. However, manually responding to every comment is not only time-consuming and laborious, but can also lead to delayed responses, affecting the customer experience. This is why setting up an auto reply tool for comments on Facebook and Instagram is so important.

Remark: You can integrate OpenAI ChatGPT or Google Gemini or Claude 3 to reply your customer questions without insert any keywords and triggering.

An effective social automation solution allows businesses to pre-set keyword trigger conditions and reply content, ensuring that even during non-working hours, potential customers’ inquiries will receive timely responses, avoiding concerns and loss of customers. The automated program not only saves a lot of labor costs, but also creates a seamless service experience for customers, enhancing brand image and loyalty – a win-win for boosting engagement.

Total Time: 8 minutes


1. Integrate your Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts with Message2u – a powerful automation platform for comment responder tools.

2. Connect Facebook and Instagram channels to the Omnichannel feature on Message2u.

3. Design and create the specific Message Flow workflow you want to trigger when using the automation function.

Access Message2u Dashboards

Log into your Message2u Dashboard and navigate to the Omnichannel section. Click “Open Bot”.

Automation Configure

In the left sidebar, locate and click on the “Automation” feature.

Comment Keywords Function

In the main menu, click on “Commend Keywords” to access auto reply settings.

Select Post to comment responder

Click “New Command Keyword” button on the right. Choose to apply for all posts or specify post IDs.

Add Comment Keywords

Set the keyword trigger conditions like “contains”, “exact match”, etc. and enter the keywords you want to use as auto triggers, separated by English commas.

Add Default Reply Message

Click “Add Variation” and input the optimized comment message content you want to send when triggered.

Select Sub flow for auto function

Choose to trigger a preset Sub Flow workflow after the initial social automation.

Enable Extra Function while replying Message

Under “Options”, select reply delay (immediate or delayed), recipient type (new or existing user), and if you want to auto-like comments (Facebook only).

Save the Settings

Click “Save” to apply and enable the new comment responder rules. Your setting is now live!


In summary, implementing an intelligent social automation system is a must-have engagement booster for modern businesses aiming to deliver exceptional customer service across Facebook and Instagram. By leveraging cutting-edge technology like Message2u’s powerful comment responder tools, even small companies can operate like enterprise-level representatives – ensuring every inquiry gets an immediate, professional, and engaging reply. Start optimizing your social media management workflow with automation today!


What accounts and integrations are required to set up automation?

To utilize automation message, you need an active paid account on Message2u’s platform, with your Facebook business pages and Instagram business accounts properly integrated and connected to the Omnichannel feature.

What exactly is a “Sub Flow” and how does it work with social automation?

A Sub Flow refers to a pre-built sequence of messages or actions that can be automatically triggered after the initial message. For example, your main auto reply might confirm receiving the query, while the Sub Flow sends more details about your product/service offering.

Why must I separate Chinese keywords with English commas when setting auto reply triggers?

Due to current technical limitations on Message2u’s platform, it can only recognize English commas as valid separators when inputting multiple keywords. Using Chinese punctuation prevents the keywords from registering properly.

Is the social automation functionality limited only to comments?

No, in addition to automatically responding to public comments, Message2u’s powerful comment responder tools allow you to send direct messages, message remarks, ad comments and more on both Facebook and Instagram.

How difficult is the setup process for non-technical users?

The entire setup process is designed to be intuitive with point-and-click actions. By carefully following the video tutorial guidance provided, even complete non-technical users can successfully configure advanced comment responder rules as an engagement booster for their social media channels within 20 minutes.

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